2005年09月23日 07:30:00
あけび (木通) Akebia quinata
【あけび科あけび属】 分布地は本州、四国、九州
【なんせ食す】 若葉はゆでて、茎は乾燥して薬用(効能は?)、果実は生食、果実の皮のいためもやてんぷら、薬用・果実酒(あけび酒の効能:肝臓炎・尿道炎・膀胱炎・むくみ)
/* About ----- This directory contains extra files to make the 'fancy urls' feature even more fancier, by eliminating the 'index.php'-part of the URL Installation ------------ 1. Copy all files in this directory (except for index.html) to your main nucleus dir (where your index.php and action.php file are) If you have an already existing .htaccess file (most ftp-programs don't show hidden files by default, so don't start uploading it without checking your server). If you do, download that old one first, and copy the contents of the new .htaccess file (from the fancyurls folder) in your old one, and upload that... 2. Edit this file so that $CONF['Self'] points to your main directory. NOTE: this time, and only this time, the URL should NOT end in a slash 3. Also edit the $CONF['Self'] variable in your index.php, if you don't want to end up with index.php/item/1234 urls when people come via that way 4. Enable 'Fancy URLs' in the Nucleus admin area (nucleus management / edit settings) 5. Off you go! If it doesn't work: ------------------- Remove the files again (don't forget the hidden file .htaccess). Voila. */ // remember: this URL should _NOT_ end with a slash. $CONF['Self'] = 'http://www.momoso-net.com/~ms08'; ?>
and Photo Gallery
2005年09月23日 07:30:00